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The Kingdom City

The Kingdom City

Wonder Medical City

Cosmopolitan Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Cosmopolitan Physically Disabled

Cosmopolitan Mental Health Centre

Cosmopolitan Home for the Elderly

Cosmopolitan Widows Empowerment Centre

Cosmopolitan Miracles Outreach Team

Cosmopolitan Missions

Cosmopolitan Multimedia

Cosmopolitan Productions

Cosmopolitan Shopping Mall

Cosmopolitan Museums

Cosmopolitan Library

Cosmopolitan Sports Complex

Cosmopolitan Travel & Tour

Cosmopolitan Apartments

Cosmopolitan Hostels

Cosmopolitan Farms & Produce

Cosmopolitan Real Estates

Cosmopolitan Pharmaceuticals

Botanical Gardens

Presidents’ Chalet

Cosmopolitan Footwear Company, Ltd.

Cosmopolitan Visual Arts and Souvenirs

Cosmopolitan Furniture Company, Ltd.

Cosmopolitan Interior Décor

Cosmopolitan Fashion & Fabrics

Cosmopolitan Microfinance

Universal Banks

Universal Trade Centre

Chain of Corporate Office Buildings

Cosmopolitan Constructions, Ltd.

Private Residential Division

Trust Janitorial Services

Voado Bakery

Trust Catering Services

Chain of Hotels (Ambassador Hotels)

Amusement Parks (African Disney World)

Cosmopolitan Miracle Hospitals


CAF will strive for a hospital where alternative medicine and knowledge about dieting are taught to both medical students and patients.


From the Junior High School level, children who are medically fit will be taught the importance of manual work by making them appreciate farming in producing some of the products they themselves will consume. This will have them go to the garden about twice a week for one hour. Their activities will include organoponics/hydroponics and fish farming.


CAF will open different avenues for employment after their training:

1. They will get access to micro-financing through the financial agencies of CAF to facilitate loans for them, with business coaches on the ground to help them open their own start-up businesses.

2. Lobby existing businesses to assure them of a job upon leaving the vocational school.

3. Open businesses in The Kingdom City which would give priority to their absorption after their education. Some of the businesses, such as the visual arts, footwear, and furniture companies, which will form part of the schools they attend, will be the same places where they will be employed to teach their colleagues coming after them.



The centre will be encouraged to incorporate alternative medicine into the arsenal of treatments targeted towards the recovery of these patients, taking into account the wide range of dangerous side effects of the conventional drugs prescribed for these mental diseases.


The home will be encouraged to incorporate alternative medicine into the arsenal of treatments targeted towards the recovery of these patients if we take into account the wide range of dangerous side effects of the conventional drugs for this age group.



The vocational empowerment centre will teach, among other things, solar electrical engineering in a 6-month training programme to install, maintain, and repair solar panels. When they return to their communities, they will be able to enhance the socio-economic development of their immediate communities by replicating the teaching of this technology to other women from neighbouring rural areas. This will address the issue of limited access to electricity by empowering rural communities with the skills to provide low-cost and sustainable electricity for themselves. Back in their home villages, each solar engineer can install one solar unit in at least 50 homes, providing each family with a fixed lamp, a bright solar lantern, an LED flashlight, and a plug for charging mobile phones. This will provide the communities with clean and renewable energy sources, allowing for greater sustainability.


CAF has started medical outreaches to different communities in Ghana. So far, during our outreaches, 31% of the people discovered for the very first time that they were hypertensive and diabetic patients, and 15% of the cases seen were diagnosed with malaria. Known chronic diseases were also treated. This marks the beginning of primary health care in a country where this preventive strategy of health care is non-existent. CAF strives to diagnose diseases in the early stages and treat them to avoid dealing with complications, which is a more cost-effective approach than the existing system of haphazard secondary/tertiary health care.


Sustainable development is a central element of the university's mission. The university will instill in its students’ education for sustainable development learning how to achieve global and local sustainable communities to understand the complexities of, and synergies between, the issues threatening planetary sustainability and understand and access their own values and those of the society in which they live in the context of sustainability through:

  1. Envisioning a better future
  2. Critical thinking and reflection about existing belief systems
  3. Systemic thinking
  4. Building partnerships
  5. Participating in decision making empowering people.

University of Medicine
a)    Doctor in Medicine
b)    All Medical Specialties
College of Nursing
a)    Certificate Level: Enrol Nurses or Health Assistants
b)    Degree Nurses
c)    Diplomat Nurses or Registered Nurses
d)    Errand Nurses
e)    Master in Nursing
f)    Ph.D. in Nursing
School of Pharmacy
a)    Pharmacy
b)    Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science
School of Dentistry
a)    General Dentistry
b)    Specialties
School of Health Sciences

1.    Biological, Environmental & Occupational Health
2.    School of Alternative Medicine
3.    School of Bioengineers
4.    School of Dieticians and Nutritionists
5.    School of Health Education and Promotion
6.    School of Human Communications-Speech and  Language Therapy
7.    School of Laboratory
8.    School of Occupational Therapy
9.    School of Physical Therapy
10.    School of Radiography
11.    School of Social Work
12.    School of Wellness

  • Herbal medicine
  • Acupuncture
  • Chiropractic
  • Massage
  • Exercise
  • Magnetic therapy
  • Holistic Medicine
  • Osteopathy
  • Reflexology

13.     Health Studies BA (Hons)

CAF will strive for a medical school where alternative medicine and the knowledge about dieting and wellness is taught to both medical students and patients. Recovering the ancient knowledge of medicinal plants is one of the antidotes to the problems with the current medical paradigm and it is vital to providing sustainable health care by working with the healing power of nature through homeopathy, botanical medicine and/or Eastern Medicine.

School of IT
a)    Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
b)    Computer Games Programming
c)    Computer Science
d)    Computer Security
e)    Game Art Design
f)    Graphic Design
g)    Graphic Design and e-media
h)    Graphic Design and Illustration
i)    Hardware
j)    Information and Communication Technology BSc (Hons)
k)    Network Engineering
l)    Programming
m)    Smartphone Application Development
n)    Software Engineering
o)    Telecommunications
p)    Website design and development
q)  Computing for Business
r) Computing for Agriculture

The ICT Faculty will instill in its students measures to make the industry sustainable through:

  • The use of environmentally friendly components.
  • Using recycle materials.
  • The use of energy from green energy sources.
  • The use of sustainable resources and the minimization of carbon emissions in everything.
School of Business
  1. Accounting
  2. Accounting & Business Management
  3. Accounting & Economics
  4. Accounting & Finance
  5. Advertising & Marketing Communications
  6. Arts and Festivals Management
  7. Business and Globalisation
  8. Business and Marketing
  9. Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  10. Business Information Systems
  11. Business Management and Economics
  12. Business Management and Finance
  13. Business Management and Law
  14. Business Studies (Economics/Finance/Strategy)
  15. Economics
  16. Globalized Accounting Studies BA (Hons)
  17. Human Resources
  18. International Commerce and Logistics
  19. International Marketing
  20. International Marketing and Business
  21. Hotel and Tourism Management
  22. Procurement Specialist
  23. Public Administration and Management

The Business Faculty will instill in its students measures to make the industry sustainable through:

  1. Online commerce and paperless billing which is an obvious way to cut cost and ease the strain on the environment by reducing logging, paper processing, and fuel consumption associated with transporting bills and payments.
  2. Using online file hosting, email storage, scanning documents to go paperless
  3. Using recycle materials.
  4. The use of energy from green energy sources.
  5. The use of sustainable resources and the minimization of carbon emissions in everything.
Faculty of Education

a) School of Special Education
i. Teachers for the blind
ii. Teachers for the deaf and dump
iii. Teachers for the mentally retarded
iv. Teachers for the handicapped
b) School of Education
i. School of Sciences

          • Mathematics
          • Biology
          • Chemistry
          • Physics
          • Agriculture

ii. School of Arts:

          • Geography
          • History
          • Visual Arts
          • Religious and Moral Education
          • English
          • Social Studies

iii. School of Business
iv. School of Physical Education
v. Education Studies
vi. Education Studies with Languages
vii. Education Studies with Psychology

School of Sciences
  1. Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular)
  2. Biological Sciences
  3. Biomedical Sciences
  4. Biotechnology
  5. Chemistry
  6. Earth Sciences (Geology)
  7. Space Sciences
  8. Materials Science
  9. Mathematics
  10. Microbiology
  11. Physics
School of Engineering
a)    Architecture
b)    Civil Engineering & Structural Engineering
c)    Electronic Engineering
d)    Engineering Year Zero
e)    Food Process Engineering
f)    Industrial Engineering
g)    Mechanical Engineering
h)    Mechatronics Bachelor in Engineering (Hons)/Master in Engineering
i)    Mining Engineering

The Engineering Faculty will instill in its students measures to make the industry sustainable through:

  1. Energy efficiency in the design, construction and ongoing maintenance of buildings helping to reduce 47% of total carbon emissions as architecture is quickly becoming the biggest threat to public health, safety and welfare via global warming.
  2. Using recycle materials
  3. The use of energy from green energy sources
  4. The use of sustainable resources and the minimization of carbon emissions in everything
  5. The use of online system to track energy consumption in the buildings of The Kingdom City to translate into kilowatts used and money spent.
School of Agriculture
a)    Cosmopolitan School of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness
b)    Cosmopolitan School of Agronomy
c)    Cosmopolitan School of Family & Consumer Sciences
d)    Cosmopolitan School of Soil Sciences
e)    Cosmopolitan School of Veterinary Medicine

The Faculty of Agriculture will instill in its students the use of organic farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities and animal welfare while producing healthful food that does not compromise future generations to do the same being true stewards of the land.

School of Arts
a)    Cosmopolitan School of Music
i.    Audio and Recording Technology
ii.    Creative Sound Technology
iii.    Music Technology BSc (Hons)
iv.    Music, Technology and Innovation
v.    Music, Technology and Performance
vi.    School of Classical Music
vii.    School of Contemporary Music
viii.    School of Folklore Music
b)    Cosmopolitan School of Dance
(i)    School of Classical Dance (Ballet)
(ii)    School of Contemporary Dance
(iii)     School of Folklore Dance
c)    Cosmopolitan School of Creative Writing
d)    Cosmopolitan School of Fashion, Design and Textiles
i.    Fashion Design
ii.    Textile Design BA (Hons)
iii.    Fashion Textiles and Accessories
iv.    Fashion Buying  with Marketing
v.    Fashion Buying and Design
vi.    Footwear Design BA (Hons)
vii.    Furniture Design BA (Hons)
viii.    Product and Furniture Design
ix.    Product Design
e)     Cosmopolitan School of Visual Arts
i.    Art Therapy (Art and Psychotherapy)
ii.    Audio and Recording Technology
iii.    School of Advertising
iv.    School of Computer Art, Computer Animation & Visual Effects
v.    School of Design
vi.    School of Fine Arts
vii.    School of Illustrations and Cartooning
viii.    School of Interior Design
ix.    School of Photography
x.    Visual and Critical Studies
f)    Cosmopolitan School of Culinary Arts & Related Services
School of Journalism
a.    Journalism
b.    Media and Communication
c.    Media Production

Highlight pressing issues facing Africa, among them the fight against corruption, and the need for energy and infrastructure development. As Africa enjoys unprecedented growth, journalists across the region have both the opportunity and the responsibility to help ensure that development is truly sustainable.

School of Law
a)    Business Law
b)    Law and Criminal Justice
c)    Law and Economics
d)    Law
e)    Law, Human Rights and Social Justice

The Faculty of Law will instill the concept of sustainable development in the students. Sustainable development in international law requires accommodation, reconciliation, and integration between economic growth, social justice (including human rights), and environmental protective measures towards participatory improvement in the collective quality of life for the benefit of both present and future generations. The term ‘sustainable development law’ describes an emerging corpus of international legal principles and instruments which address the intersections between international economic, environmental, and social law (including human rights law), towards development that can last for the benefit of present and future generations.

School of Aviation

School of Aviation

School of Divinity
i.    School of Bible Exposition
ii.    School of Biblical Counselling
iii.    School of Educational Ministry and Leadership
iv.    School of Media Arts & Worship
School of Languages
a)    Arabic
b)    Chinese
c)    Dutch
d)    English Language
e)    French
f)    German
g)    Greek
h)    Hausa
i)    Hebrew
j)    Hindu
k)    Italian
l)    Japanese
m)    Korean
n)    Portuguese
o)    Russian
p)    Spanish
q)    Swahili
r)    Twi
s)    Yoruba
School of Humanities
a)    Archaeology and Anthropology
b)    History and Politics
c)    History of Arts
d)    Human Sciences
e)    Philosophy, Politics and Economics
f)    Sociology

Ecological sciences and the humanities must be coupled in the sustainability enterprise. Scientists look at physical processes, and social scientists examine sociological processes. Humanists focus on ideas, values, language, culture, and history. To sustain our human communities, our natural resources, and our rich global biological and cultural heritage, we must explore humans’ beliefs about their relationship to nature and integrate knowledge and policy across the disciplines in order to understand, inform, and direct human development towards a responsible, sustainable future.

Research Institutes
  1. Cosmopolitan Institute of Tropical Medicine
  2. Cosmopolitan Institute of Medical Sciences
  3. Cosmopolitan Institute of Statistics
  4. Cosmopolitan Aeronautics and Space Research and Development (CASRAD)
  5. Miscellaneous Studies

In today’s challenging period, our region needs to step up support for research and innovation in order to ensure, in a globally competitive environment, the sustainable development of science and technology necessary for the upturn and growth of our economy. Research infrastructures are important 'tools' for these vital large-scale projects. The mission of the infrastructures is:

  • Research: Push forward the frontiers of knowledge
  • Innovation: Develop new cutting edge technologies
  • Education: Train scientists and engineers for tomorrow
  • Outreach: Promote science in society.
Faculty of Community Dev.
  1. Housing, Communities and Regeneration
  2. Real Estate Development
  3. Real Estate Management
  4. Youth Work and Community Development
  5. Integrated Community Development
a) Psychology
b) Psychology with Criminology
c) Psychology with Education Studies
d) Psychology with Health Studies
  1. Drama Studies
  2. Film Studies BA (Hons) / With Languages
  3. School of Photography and Video
  4. School of Film & Video
  5. TV and Film Production Technology
  1. Criminal Investigation with Policing Studies
  2. Criminology and Criminal Justice
  3. Criminology and Criminal Justice with Psychology
  4. Policing Studies (Practice)
Political Sciences
  1. Economics and Politics
  2. Politics
Faculty of Diplomacy
  1. International Relations
  2. International Relations and Politics
Energy & Power
  1. Cosmopolitan School of Oil and Gas Engineering
  2. Cosmopolitan School of Renewable Energy
  3. Cosmopolitan School of Electrical Engineering
  4. Cosmopolitan School of Atomic Energy

In Africa, we have an abundance of wind and sun but, contradictorily, we have a power deficit. We need to invest in all renewable forms of energy, including solar and wind energy. All forms of energy, including biogas, solar, and wind energy, are extremely scalable, as there are systems available from less than 1 watt to several megawatts. This makes it possible to initiate the electrification of a home or village with minimal initial capital. It also allows for dynamic and incremental scaling as load demands increase. The component configuration of a wind or solar installation also provides a level of functional redundancy, improving the reliability of the system. If a single panel in a multi-panel solar array is damaged, the rest of the system continues functioning unimpeded. In a similar way, the failure of a single wind tower in a multi-tower configuration does not cause a system-level failure.

Because solar and wind projects produce power where it is used, they provide a safe, reliable, and cost-effective solution. Because transmission equipment is avoided, these systems are more secure and less vulnerable to attack. This can be an important feature in regions prone to conflict. Wind and solar power systems are simple to set up, easy to operate, easy to repair, and durable. Wind resources and solar resources are abundant enough to provide all of the electrical energy requirements of rural populations, and this can be done in remote and otherwise fragmented low-density areas that are impractical to address using conventional grid-based systems.


Faculty of Sports


  1. Physical Education
  2. Physiology and Sports Science
  3. Recreation
  4. Sports and Exercise Science
  5. Sports Studies
  6. Sports, Media and Culture


  1. Performance Coaching
  2. Psychology of Sports
  3. Sports Coaching and Languages
  4. Sports Management
  5. Sports Nutrition

The genes of those competitive muscles in Cuba, Jamaica, and the United States are precisely genes brought from Africa. Why is it that Africa is lagging behind in sports competitions like baseball, basketball, football, athletics, and boxing, among others, where their African American brothers excel? We lack a structured policy to educate our children to practise and love sports. We do not premeditatedly plan to enrol our children from an early age in sports activities with the hope of making them future champions. We do not have the system in place to stimulate the teaching of physical education and sports in schools at all levels to achieve these Olympic ideals. There is an inadequate number of sports facilities. We Africans like only soccer (known as football in Africa). We need to diversify our sports activities through a serious programme.

Cosmopolitan Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences

Cosmopolitan Virtual University (School of Open, Distance and eLearning)

Cosmopolitan School of Aviation

9. Cosmopolitan Missions
a) Foreign wing of the Cosmopolitan Miracle Outreach Team
10. Cosmopolitan Multimedia
a) Cosmopolitan Television Network
b) Cosmopolitan Radio Network
c) Cosmopolitan Today (News Paper)
d) CosmoMag (Magazine)
e) The Global Ambassador (Internet Media)
f) Cosmopolitan Podcasts (video and audio)
g) Cosmopolitan Videos (MP4,DVD)
h) Cosmopolitan Audio (CD, MP3)
i) Cosmopolitan Audio Services
j) Cosmo LuminoTecnia
11. Cosmopolitan Productions
a) Cosmopolitan Movie Productions
b) Cosmopolitan Cartoon Studios
c) Cosmopolitan Music Productions
d) Cosmopolitan Publishing House
e) Cosmopolitan Drama Groups
12. Cosmopolitan Shopping Mall
a) Chain of Branded Shops
b) Cosmopolitan Pharmacies/ Clinic
c) Cosmopolitan Entertainment Centre:
i. Cinema Hall
ii. Game Hall
o Virtual Games
o Manual Games
iii. Musical Concert Hall
iv. Theatre Hall
13. Cosmopolitan Museums
a) Cosmopolitan Museum of Fine Arts
b) Cosmopolitan Museum of Natural Sciences
c) Cosmopolitan Planetarium
d) Cosmopolitan Heritage Centre
14. Cosmopolitan Library
a) Cosmopolitan Library
b) Cosmopolitan Virtual Library
15. Sports Complex
a) Cosmopolitan Sports Stadium
b) Cosmopolitan Sports City
c) Cosmopolitan Hippodrome
d) Cosmopolitan Motorsport Centre
e) Cosmopolitan Golf Club
f) Cosmopolitan Olympic Swimming Complex
g) Cosmopolitan Water Sports Complex
h) Cosmopolitan Aerodrome (with water aerodrome)
i) Cosmopolitan Sports and Recreational Fishing
We lack the appropriate quantity and quality of sports facilities in Africa. This lack coupled with a deficient sports policy targeted towards the achievement of results has led to Africa not excelling internationally in sports events.
Our vision is to nurture and promote sustainability and sustainable development in all aspects of sports through providing high quality support, resources and events. We recognise sustainability in the broadest terms to include economic activity, environmental responsibility and social progress.
The objectives are:
• To bring the celebration of international sports events to Sub-Saharan Africa.
• To educate, share and develop best practice and integrate sustainable development into all aspects of the sport sector.
• To encourage and facilitate collaboration between all those interested in and concerned with sustainability and sport.
• To use the influence of sports to educate the public about sustainability issues.
CAF will deliver innovations that will be mainstreamed in the development of environmental management systems related to event planning and staging, innovations in design and construction, energy and waste management, preservation of water resources, transport infrastructure and ethical supply chains. CAF will strive for an ecological footprint of venue and infrastructure (permanent or temporary), together with athletes and spectators, which will be the key component of organising the sports events.
“Blending sport with culture and education, seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.” This sentiment echoes much that underlies sustainable development.
The following steps are going to be adhered to:
• Power will be generated by solar energy or stadium lighting to be LED lights.
• On site recycling will be utilized to the maximum effect.
• All paper products will be post-consumer recycled.
• All utensils and cookware will be corn-based compostable.
• Toilet tissue, soaps, paper towels, etc will be biodegradable.
• Post event meals will be only natural and/or organic.
• Coffees, teas and other beverages served will only be organic and fair trade.
• Our race packets will not be the typical plastic bags.
• Composting, recycling water and donating food waste
• Our goals are to minimize the waste and carbon footprint generated by our event.
16. Cosmopolitan Travel & Tour

a) Cosmopolitan Tourism Authority
i) Travel Agency
ii) Tourist Facilities Development Company

b) Cosmopolitan Amusement Parks:
i) Cosmopolitan Universal Studios
ii) Cosmopolitan Magic Kingdom Park
iii) Cosmopolitan Animal Kingdom Park
iv) Cosmopolitan Fair
v) Cosmopolitan Sea World
vi) Cosmopolitan Island of Adventure
vii) Cosmopolitan Discovery Cove
viii) Cosmopolitan Blizzard Beach
ix) Cosmopolitan Wet & Wild

c) Cosmopolitan Zoo
d) Cosmopolitan Aquarium
e) Global Ambassador Hotels
i) Health Tourism Hotel
ii) Hotels for Tourism
iii) Global Ambassador Resorts
f) Cosmopolitan Recreational Centre
i) Cosmopolitan Recreational Lake with night shows
ii) Cosmopolitan Restaurants:

  • Continental
  • Traditional
  • Chinese Restaurant
  • Mediterranean Restaurant

iii) Cosmopolitan Beauty Salon
iv) Cosmopolitan Beauty Shop
v) Cosmopolitan Entertainment Complex:

  • Cinema Hall with ice cream and popcorn vending spots
  • Theatre/Drama Hall
  • Musical Concert Hall with Music Classes
  • Music Recording Studio

vi) Cosmopolitan Bowling
vii) Cosmopolitan Wellness Centre:

  • Cosmopolitan Spa Centre
  • Cosmopolitan Fitness Centre with Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy/ Exercise section for the elderly
  • Swimming Pool
  • Cosmopolitan Wellness Shop for all health supplements with a Dietician
  • Cosmopolitan Laundromat
  • Cosmopolitan Car Wash
  • Cosmopolitan Supermarket
  • Cosmopolitan Kid’s Park
  • Cosmopolitan Skating Rink
  • Cosmopolitan Party Salon
  • Running or Walking Track
  • Cosmopolitan Picnic Park
  • Universal Banks

Sustainable tourism, cultural and creative industries and heritage-based urban revitalization are powerful economic subsectors that generate green employment, stimulate local development and foster creativity.

Local and indigenous knowledge systems and environmental management practices provide valuable insight and tools tackling ecological challenges, preventing biodiversity loss, reducing land degradation, and mitigating the effects of climate change.

These are our strategies for sustainability development:

In today’s uncertain world, where food-related, hygiene and environmental threats abound, our tourism facilities will provide guests and employees with a healthy environment and a haven of tranquillity.

To protect the environment, our tourism facilities will reduce its water use and recycle its waste.

Caused mainly by the burning of fossil energies, CO2 is one of the greenhouse gases most responsible for climate change. Our tourism facilities will be committed to reducing its energy consumption with the goal of limiting its carbon footprint.

By fully integrating sustainable development into its operating procedures and offers, our tourism facilities will be responding proactively to emerging customer expectations and supporting the development of new business models, making PLANET 21 the crucible for the hospitality industry of the future.

Firmly rooted in its host communities, our tourism facilities will contribute directly to their economic development, which it shares, and protects what is most precious, yet so vulnerable: their children and the natural ecosystems in which they are located.

Our tourism facilities will be underpinned by the extraordinary social, cultural and professional diversity of its employees. The foundation is committed to helping them to expand their skills and responsibilities with the goal of offering them motivating, rewarding careers and enhancing their employability.

Through its commitments to franchisees and suppliers, our tourism facilities will be engaging partners in its sustainable development strategy and integrating them into the responsibility chain.

17. Cosmopolitan Apartments
a) For our national workers
b) For our international volunteers on a long mission
18. Cosmopolitan Hostels
a. For our foreign volunteers on short mission trips
19. Organic Farms & Produce

a) Horticulture:
i. Fruits:
• Banana Plantation
• Avocado/Pear Plantation
• Orange Plantation
• Tangerine Plantation
• Grapefruit Plantation
• Mango Plantation
• Watermelon
• Cantaloupes
• Pineapple
• Papayas (pawpaw)
• Lime
• Lemon
• Grapes
• Strawberry
• Apple
ii. Vegetables:
• Tomatoes
• Bell Pepper
• Hot Pepper
• Garden Egg
• Okra/Okro
• Mushrooms
• Cabbage
• Lettuce
• Carrot
• Cucumbers
• Green Beans
• Onion
• Spinach
• Beet roots
iii. Nuts
• Peanut or Groundnut Farm
• Tiger Nuts Farm
• Palm nut
• Coconut
iv. Flowers
v. Grass for:
• Animal feed
• Yards
vi. Medicinal Herbs
vii. Trees:
• Shea Butter Plantation
• Cocoa
• Coffee
• Teak Plantation
• Cashew Plantation
viii. Crops:
• Cassava
• Cocoyam
• Yam
• Sweet Potatoes
• Potatoes
• Plantain Plantation
ix. Grains:
• Maize
1. White Maize
2. Yellow Maize
• Rice
3. Long Grain Rice
4. Perfume Rice
5. Basmati
6. Brown Rice
• Millet
• Beans
1. Black Beans
2. Black-eyed Peas
3. Soya Beans
4. Cow Peas
5. Garbanzo or chickpeas
6. Kidney
b) Aquaculture (Indoors like in Israel and on the Volta Lake):
i. Tilapia Farming
ii. Cat fish
iii. Shrimp
iv. Oyster
c) Animal Husbandry:
i. Poultry:
1. Chicken
2. Guinea Fowl
3. Turkey
4. Peacocks (Tourist Attraction)
ii. Cattle
iii. Pig
iv. Goat
v. Lamb/Sheep
vi. Grass cutter
vii. Rabbit
viii. Snail
CAF will use organic farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities and animal welfare while producing healthful food that does not compromise future generations to do the same, being true stewards of the land through:
1. Environmental preservation: producing crops and raising animals without relying on toxic chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified seeds or practices that degrade soil, water or other natural resources by using practices like:
a. crop rotation
b. conservation tillage
c. pasture-based livestock husbandry
These practices protect biodiversity and foster the development and maintenance of healthy ecosystems.
2. Protection of public health creating fruits and vegetables safer for consumers, raising animals without the use of nontherapeutic antibiotics or arsenic-based growth promoters and managing livestock wastes so that humans are protected from exposure to pathogens, toxins, and other hazardous pollutants.
3. Sustaining vibrant communities providing farmers with a liveable wage and safe and fair working conditions bolstering local and regional economies.
4. Upholding animal welfare, treating animals with care and respect guaranteeing their health and wellbeing.
Food processing division of CAF:
The food processing cluster is defined as a business that directly impacts the food processing supply chain. It entails growing of crops or raising livestock, manufacturing of agricultural or food processing equipment, processing of food, support of the process (producing labels, boxes, cans, bottles, etc.), and/or the selling of the finished product; often referred to as “Farm-to-Fork.”
CAF will practice sustainable manufacturing with the following corporate philosophies:
• Infrastructure will utilize “green practices”
• Develop “green energy park” concept
• Apply waste beneficial reuse concepts
• Match “Savor the Local” Culture with new products: We will deliver harvested- to- order organically grown produce to local chefs and consumers.

20. Real Estate
a) Real Estate Development
b) Real Estate Management
21. Festivals

Culture, in its manifold expressions ranging from cultural heritage to cultural and creative industries and cultural tourism, is both an enabler and a driver of the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

22. Pharmaceuticals

a. Basic Studies:
i. To study traditional knowledge on the use of plants in health care.
ii. To identify the medicinal plants, outline their distribution and assess their abundance.
b. Utilization:
i. Wherever possible, we are going to cultivate the medicinal plants as the source of supply.
ii. We will ensure that any collecting from the wild is sustainable.
iii. We will improve the techniques for harvesting, storage and production.
c) Conservation:
i. To conserve population of medicinal plant species in natural habitats.
ii. To conserve population of medicinal plant species in ex situ.
CAF will build a pharmaceutical and production industry that will take advantage of all our agricultural efforts to generate products for health and nutritional care, personal care, cosmetics, aroma care, medicine, veterinary purposes, insect repellents, cleaning, and general purposes. Aloe vera is a target in this plan. CAF will use products like cassava, among many other uses, to generate biogas.
Among the medicinal herbs that the Cosmopolitan Farm will produce to be used by our pharmaceutical industry are:
• Aloe vera
• Barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
• Belladonna (Atropa belladonna)
• Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
• Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia)
• Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina)
• Bitter orange (Citrus × aurantium)
• Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa)
• Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus)
• Blueberries (genus Vaccinium)
• Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa
• Cayenne (Capsicum annuum)
• Celery (Apium graveolens)
• Chamomille (Matricaria recutita and Anthemis nobilis)
• Chaparral (Larrea tridentata
• Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) Chili (Capsicum frutescens)
• Cinchona
• Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
• Coffee senna (Cassia occidentalis)
• Comfrey (Symphytum officinale)
• Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
• Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
• Digitalis (Digitalis lanata)
• Dong quai (Angelica sinensis)
• Elderberry (Sambucus nigra)
• Ephedra (Ephedra sinica
• Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)
• European mistletoe (Viscum album)
• Evening primrose (Oenothera spp.) oil
• Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
• Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)
• Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum)
• Garlic (Allium sativum)
• Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
• Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
• Ginseng (Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius)
• Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
• Grape (Vitis vinifera)
• Guava (Psidium guajava)
• Gum Arabic (Senegalia senegal)
• Hawthorn (specifically Crataegus monogyna and Crataegus laevigata)
• Henna (Lawsonia inermis)
• Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa)
• Hoodia (Hoodia gordonii)
• Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
• Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
• Jamaica dogwood (Piscidia erythrina / Piscidia piscipula)
• Kava (Piper methysticum)
• Khat
• Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac)
• Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)
• Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum)
• Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
• Lemon (Citrus limon)
• Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
• Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
• Marigold (Calendula officinalis), or calendula,
• Marsh-mallow (Althaea officinalis)
• Moringa oleifera
• Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)
• Neem (Azadirachta indica)
• Noni (Morinda citrifolia)
• Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum)
• Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
• Cretan oregano (O. dictamnus)
• Papaya (Carica papaya)
• Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) oil
• Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
• Passion Flower (Passiflora)
• Red clover (Trifolium pratense)
• Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
• Sage (Salvia officinalis)
• Syrian Rue (aka Harmal) (Peganum harmala) - MAOI.
• St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum)
• Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens)
• Summer savory (Satureja hortensis)
• Tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
• Thunder God Vine (Tripterygium wilfordii)
• Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
• Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum or Holy Basil)
• Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
• Umckaloabo, or South African Geranium (Pelargonium sidoides)
• Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
• Velvetleaf (Cissampelos pareira)
• Verbena (Verbena officinalis)
• Veronica (Veronica officinalis)
• Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides)
• Wafer Ash (Ptelea trifoliata)
• Wahoo (Euonymus atropurpureus)
• Wallflower (Erysimum cheiri)
• Water Dropwort (Oenanthe aquatica)
• Water Germander (Teucrium scordium)
• Water Hemlock (Cicuta virosa)
• Water Plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica)
• Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
• Wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum)
• White willow (Salix alba)
• Xanthoparmelia scabrosa
• Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon crassifolium)

23. Botanic Gardens

To challenge the dominant ways of thinking and behaving in society, which have resulted in our present state of continental unsustainability, botanic gardens need to engage in stronger forms of education for sustainability. Education should be provided to the public about biodiversity through publications, lectures, and guided tours, and opportunities should be provided for students to discuss and debate issues or participate in protecting the environment.

The planting of medicinal and other exotic plants that are in danger of extinction will be our hallmark

24. Fuel Stations
25. Presidents’ Chalet
26. Cosmopolitan Footwear Company, Ltd.
27. Cosmopolitan Visual Arts and Souvenirs
28. Cosmopolitan Furniture Company, Ltd.
29. Cosmopolitan Interior Décor
30. Cosmopiltan Fashions & Fabrics
31. Cosmopolitan Microfinance
32. Universal Banks
33. Universal Trade Centre
34. Chain of Corporate Office Buildings
35. International Conference Centre
36. Cosmopolitan Airport
37. Cosmopolitan Airlines
38. Cosmopolitan Constructions, Ltd.
39. Private Residential Division
40. Trust Janitorial Services
41. Trust Catering Services
42. Voado Bakery
43. Chain of Fast Food Centres