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Code of Conduct

COSMOPOLITAN AID FOUNDATION (CAF) needs to possess a tradition of ethical standards in the provision of its services as well as in management of its business affairs. The code of conduct supplements the mission, vision and values of CAF and applies to all who provide services under the auspices of CAF. Our code of conduct adopted provides guidance to all who carry out daily activities within appropriate ethical and legal standards. It provides standard of conduct to protect and promote integrity and to enhance CAF’s ability to achieve its mission and compliance goals.
Who should read this?

The Code of Conduct must govern the actions of CAF. It is to be read by employees and service providers who need to become familiar with the job specific legal requirements and recognize circumstances that may raise issues. They are required to sign the Acknowledgement Form confirming that they have received and read the Code of Conduct and are prepared to adhere to its terms.

It has seven principles:
1.    Confidentiality
2.    Business Ethics
3.    Legal and Regulatory Compliance
4.    Professional Conduct
5.    Conflicts of Interest
6.    Appropriate use of resources
7.    Responsibility
1. Confidentiality
Employees and those affiliated with COSMOPOLITAN AID FOUNDATION (CAF) are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the orphans and vulnerable children, the widows and their children, the elderly, the mentally disabled, the physically disabled including the deaf and the blind, students, patients and the public at large that it is assisting and also, personnel and other proprietary information, as well as with those who enter into business or professional relationship with CAF. As such employees are entrusted with a wide spectrum of confidential information, which remains the sole property of CAF. Sharing of confidential information with other employees, or others outside the organization is strictly forbidden, unless the person requesting the information has a legitimate reason to know it for CAF business-related purposes.
Media Relations
All requests from reporters or the general public for information should be referred to the Public Relations.
2. Business Ethics

CAF is committed to the highest standard of business ethics and integrity, and requires honesty when representing CAF. CAF is committed to ensuring that its billing and reimbursement practices comply with applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and policies of the countries in which CAF operates and that all billing is accurate.

Book & Accounting

CAF payment and other transactions are to be properly authorized by management, and are to be accurately and completely recorded in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and established corporate policies. This serves as basis for managing the business and is important to meeting obligation to the orphans and vulnerable children, the widows and their children, the elderly, the mentally disabled, the physically disabled including the deaf and the blind, students, patients and the public at large, and suppliers and others. CAF’s high standard of accuracy and documentation is necessary for tax financial reporting requirements.

The duty to report accurate and truthful information also applies to our internal dealings. All work-time and expenses recorded are to be reported accurately and honestly.


CAF prohibits its employees and other services providers from offering, paying, asking for, or accepting any money or other benefit-including and not limited to- patient referrals, purchases, leases or orders. All contracts and other referral sources are to follow all applicable laws.


CAF engages in activities that are subject to the countries in which CAF operates and its antitrust laws. Generally, those laws prohibit competitors from entering into agreements to fix prices or to reduce price competition.

CAF employees should not provide information about CAF to business competitors. In addition, employees are to refrain from engaging in unfair practices that might restrict competition.


Billing is to comply with all applicable laws, rules and policies. Employees who handle patient charges, claims and records are to accurately document and report services and supplies. CAF prohibits its employees or agents from knowingly presenting, or causing to be presented, claims for payment or approval, which are false, fictitious or fraudulent.

Fraud and Abuse

CAF policies and various laws of the countries in which CAF operates prohibit fraudulent claim activities. The laws of the countries in which CAF operates prohibit conduct such as knowingly submitting a false or fraudulent claim, or using or making false statement to get false or fraudulent claim paid. Other laws governing NGOs integrity also look for ways to reduce fraud and abuse. CAF and its employees and other service providers can be prosecuted for filling inaccurate claims for reimbursement and can be subject to civil fines, criminal penalties or both.

CAF expects employees to report known or suspected activity of this type to the Corporate Compliance Office or the Management Committee. Employees who lawfully report false claims or other fraudulent conduct or who otherwise assist in an investigation, action or testimonies are protected from retaliation to the furthest extent possible under the laws of the countries in which CAF operates.

Performing routine audits or reviews and monitoring, along with internal controls, help CAF prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse.

Intellectual Property
CAF is committed to adhering to all applicable intellectual property laws. Additionally, CAF will respect the intellectual property and copyright laws regarding books, trade journals, magazines and other applicable resources. All software used in connection with CAF must be properly licensed, used in accordance with that license.
Marketing & Adverts
Marketing and advertising activity may be utilized for the following purposes: to educate the public, to provide information to the community, to increase awareness of our services, and to recruit employees. Marketing materials and media announcements are to be presented in a truthful, fully informative and non-deceptive manner.
Employees are prohibited from soliciting tips and personal gratuities or gifts from patients or vendors.
CAF is committed to the following ethical standard in full compliance with the laws and regulations in any research, investigations and clinical trials conducted. CAF is committed to integrity in disseminating appropriate valid scientific results in accordance with applicable regulations and guidelines. It is CAF’s priority to protect the rights of its subjects. As in all financial accounting and record keeping CAF’s policy is to submit accurate and complete cost related to research grants.

Travel and entertainment expenses of an employee must be consistent with his/her job responsibility and the needs and resources of CAF. Employees are encouraged to participate in and attend educational workshops, seminars and training sessions.

3. Legal & Regulatory
All activities by or on behalf of CAF is to comply with all laws and regulations of the of the countries in which it operates.
Health & Safety
CAF employees and other healthcare providers are expected to comply with laws designed to improve workplace safety, such as properly controlling and monitoring dangerous materials and maintaining safe equipment.
Employees are to dispose of all waste and other materials and store all chemicals and substances in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. It is important to file all necessary environmental reports accurately and promptly and to cooperate fully with all governmental authorities in the event of an environmental incident.
COSMOPOLITAN AID FOUNDATION does not discriminate with regards to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, age, nationality, ethnicity, ancestry, disability or status as a disabled or military veteran. CAF also does not tolerate harassment.
Many controlled drugs, controlled substances, and other medical supplies, are governed and monitored by specific regulatory organizations and are to be administered by Physicians orders only. Prescription and controlled medications and supplies are to be handled properly and only by authorized individuals to minimize risk to CAF and to patients.
CAF will not knowingly employ or contract with individuals or entities that have been listed as debarred or excluded or otherwise ineligible for participation in national healthcare and social work programs. As a condition of employment, employees are required to notify Human Resource immediately, if they currently, or to the best of their knowledge, will be in the future, listed by the Armed Forces of the nation where CAF operates.
Tax Exemption
CAF is a tax-exempt entity because of its charitable mission. CAF provides community benefits that include the orphans and vulnerable children, the widows and their children,  the elderly, the mentally disabled, the physically disabled including the deaf and the blind, health care services, medical training, education, research, community outreach activities and the public at large. CAF must use its resources in a manner that furthers the public good rather than the private or personal interest of any individual or entity.
4. Professional Conduct
CAF also has a code of conduct that addresses specific professional responsibility to its clients and to each other.
5. Conflicts of Interest
Employees and other service providers owe a duty of complete loyalty to CAF and may not use their position to profit personally at the expense of the organization, financially or otherwise. Potential conflict of interest should be directed to the Legal Office for evaluation.
Family and Work
Employment of immediate relatives (including a spouse, parent, stepparent, children, stepchildren, sister, brother, son-in-law, daughter in law, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, and father-in-law) is not permitted where an employee has or would have direct or indirect administrative, supervisory or decision-making authority over the related person.
Insider Trading
No employee of CAF shall use non-public information acquired through employment at CAF to trade in the securities of any company, or buy or sell any property or assets.
Outside Activities
CAF employees and other service providers who hold position of trust and stewardship should refrain from directly or indirectly performing duties, incurring in obligations or engaging in business or professional relationships where there would appear to be conflict of interest. No outside activity may interfere with your job performance.
Political Activity
CAF does not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for political office. While CAF supports employee participation in the political process, employees are not permitted to use position in the organization to try to influence the personal decisions of others to contribute, or to otherwise support political parties or candidates, except as lawfully permitted through political action committees. CAF may choose to support specific issues with approval of the Legal Office.
Proprietary Info.
CAF closely controls the dissemination of proprietary information. Except as specifically authorized by management pursuant to established policy and procedure, an employee should not disclose to any outside party and non-public business, whether financial, personnel, commercial or technological information, plans or data acquired during employment at CAF.
6. Use of Resources
Those affiliated with CAF have a duty to preserve and protect the assets of the system and to ensure their efficient use. Theft, carelessness and waste have a direct impact on the organization’s success. As a rule CAF prohibits the personal use of its property. Employees may not use equipment, supplies, material or services for non-work related purposes. Employees have no expectation of personal privacy in connection with personal or work use of CAF’s electronic resources.
7. Responsibility
Violations of the responsibilities outlined in this Code of Conduct and CAF policies and procedures can lead to the disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Conduct that violates the law also may result in civil and criminal penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment.
Employees and those affiliated with CAF have a responsibility to report any suspected or actual violation of the Code of Conduct or other policy irregularities to a supervisor, the Corporate Compliance Office, or the Legal Office. For those who wish to remain anonymous, the report may be submitted through one of the CAF Compliance Reporting Lines. There would be no negative consequences or retaliation for good faith reporting of possible misconduct.