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Professor Paa-Kwesi Heto

Paa-Kwesi is a distinguished political economist, educationist, and international security analyst. He received the 2020 Etel Solingen Outstanding Paper in International Relations Award, the 2020 UCI Inclusive Excellence Ambassador Award, and the 2018 Global Citizens Award from the Global Connect Program, which recognizes his research and non-profit work in rural and low-income communities. Paa-Kwesi worked as part of a team that advised the African Union and the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) on their trade and investment policy. He also worked on a World Bank project that evaluated: one, the efficiency of trade gateways in the countries where Trade Facilitation Facilities operated, and two, COMESA countries’ ability to implement the 2013 World Trade Organization Bali Trade Facilitation Agreement. Paa-Kwesi is a transdisciplinary scholar with a Ph.D. in political science and five master’s degrees in behavioral mathematics, demography and social analysis, political science, education, and international affairs. He is a visionary and practical thinker who strives to solve complex problems. Many people have benefited from his global effort to uplift people experiencing poverty and ill education.

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