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Mr. Thomas Agbo

Mr. Thomas Agbo hails from Tefle in the Volta Region of Ghana. He is a retired teacher, social worker, lay preacher and a businessman. He is a strong advocate for social justice as he will never sit on the fence whilst there is injustice on this earth. He was the one who accompanied our Founder, Dr. Emmanuel Yao Voado, MD. to the Office of the late President of Ghana, His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings, when he was allowed to participate in national test in which he became first in order of merit to go to Cuba. This event was indeed a shock to many. He is a statesman and a wonderful communicator with organisational and time management skills. Born in Tefle, Volta Region in 1945, he completed the Nkroranza Teachers Training College in 1971 and served as a teacher for few years and went on to form a business venture with his senior brother, Mr. Charles Agbo who is late. Both gain influence and recognition in the business arena. Among the positions held are
  • Managing Director, Agbo Trading Ent. Gh. Ltd 1973 to date
  • Teacher, Methodist Primary School, Techimentia 1971 – 1974
  • Manager, GNTC, Agona Nyakrom 1979 – 1981
  • Teacher, Presbyterian Primary School, Tefle 1974 – 1979
  • Session Clerk, PCG Calvary Congregation, Tefle 2000 – 2008
  • District Director, Church Life and Nurture, Sokpoe District 2005 – date
  • Sokpoe District Lay Rep on Dangme Presbytery Council 2006 – 2011
  • Dangme – Tongu Presbytery Lay Rep on General Assembly Council 2006 – date
  • Member, PCG Translators Guild
  • Government Appointee, South Tongu District Assembly, 2000 – 2007
  Member of Executive Committees                          
  • Chairman, Development Planning Committee, South Tongu District Assembly 2003 – 2007
  • Chairman of Board of Directors, South Tongu Sugar Industries 2004 – date
  • Panel Member, Family Tribunal, Dabala 2006 – 2012
  • Board Member, Network of Women in Growth (NEWIG) Accra 2006 – date
  • Member, South Tongu Association of Paralegals
Among other courses he attended are:
  1. Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development: European Union – Human Resources Development Programme; Skill Building for Assembly members from 18th to 22nd November, 2002.
  2. Paralegal Training Course by International Federation of Women Lawyers (Federación Internacional de Abogados) from 26th November, 2010 – 2nd December, 2010.
  3. Interstate Succession Law 1985 (PNDC LAW III)
  4. Advocate for spouse and children in the application of the Interstate Succession Law.

We deem it an honour to have him serve on our Board of Trustees to help his assessee, Dr. Voado, accomplish one dream more, which is helping those who have no voice in our society.

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